Database DevSecOps
- Source control
- Build automation
- Self service
- Security & Compliance
- Policy enforcement
- Roles management
- Release Automation
- Risk Mitigation
- Audit Trails
- KPIs & Dashboards
DBmaestro is a self-service tool for database teams to automate, secure, and govern Database CI/CD pipelines with database deployment automation.
By implementing database deployment automation, DBA teams can maintain full control over database deployments, reduce manual work, and mitigate risks.
Slash failure rates and prevent errors with release automation, source control, and compliance automation for your database
Maintain full control of database deployments. Set up and enforce rules and policies.
Automate and remove tedious manual work while mitigating risks and improving quality
Implement repeatable, automated delivery processes with database deployment automation. Ensure safe, high-quality releases every time and eliminate the need for manual deployment or working in production.
Automate and accelerate database releases while mitigating risks and improving quality. Integrate database CI/CD into your DevOps toolchain and with the tools you already use.
Build, test, deploy and verify database schema migrations, accelerate feedback loops and boost cross-team collaboration.
LEARN MORE ‣Enforce rules and policies. Detect configuration drifts and errors in pre-production with code dry-runs. Automate audits and always know who changed what, when and where in the database code.
Automate, secure, and govern database releases while accelerating time-to-market and improving quality.
LEARN MOREConsistently package, verify and deploy database changes across environments throughout the software delivery pipeline
LEARN MOREEnforce organizational policy, manage roles and permissions while automatically documenting all changes made to your database code
LEARN MOREMonitor KPIs and review database DevOps scorecards. Simplify reporting, auditing, and continuous improvement.
We work with the world's leading companies from a wide range of industries
This short three minute video is a must see for all DevOps leaders who are looking to solve the database challenge.